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A Course for Civilian SERE Operators

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For civilian SERE operators, a course should cover survival in the wild as well as skills for evasion or resistance. Here are some tips that will help you to learn these important skills. The XpCourse Sere100.1 Civilians Only Course teaches you everything you need. The course provides a complete pathway with qualified lecturers to help you. This course is ideal for people who cannot afford to attend the specialized training or don't know how.

Survival in the wild

Learning SERE (Survival Evasion & Recovery Education) can help you survive in the wilderness. SERE Training is designed to prepare military personnel for survival in situations that are not within their control. Jessie Krebs provides training that teaches SERE skills. His MasterClass course is designed to teach survival skills in the wilderness. This course will teach the student five essential survival skills:

Survival skills

Training in survival skills is essential for all people, but it's especially important for those who live in urban areas. It is vital to be able to survive in the wild and in a disaster. These skills are essential to survive in a disaster situation. Without them, you could end up stranded in a concrete jungle or worse. But fortunately, there are many ways to prepare for such a scenario. Below are just a few key points.

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Civilian Sere training is a great place to learn combat skills, which will be very useful if you have to use them. This type of training teaches you the tactics that are used in hostage situations, kidnappings, and economic breakdown. The training will teach you how to survive and use the tools you have around. These courses are taught by multi-national Special Forces team members and former military SERE instructors.


The U.S. military is increasing its civil resistance training to avoid further wars. Over the years, the Army conducted formal exercises like Saber Junction in Europe to teach soldiers irregular warfare concepts. The Green Berets were paired with the Lithuanian National Defense Volunteer Forces in 2018 as they prepare for the 2020 conflict. NATO special forces partnered up with Baltic SOF troops in Trojan Footprint, a tabletop exercise which simulates a real resistance situation. Tabletop exercises are an integral part of the training. However, psychological operations play an important role in preparing soldiers and their families for a resistance mission.


SERE (Survival. Evasion. Resistance. and Escape) is a comprehensive training program that teaches you how to avoid detection and escape from hostile environments. Escape training is similar to evasion, but the focus is on planning for and taking advantage of any opportunities. Escape training involves actively looking for escape routes within the first hour of capture.

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What can you buy to get through the end of the world

It may seem absurd, but knowing the best products to purchase is vital if you are going to survive.

This is a list with essential items that you need to keep in your house when the world stops.

Mental and physical preparation is the best way you can be ready for an apocalyptic emergency.

You should be prepared for all eventualities.

Start by building a food and water stockpile.

Then think about other essentials such as fire starters, torches, batteries, candles, matches, lighters, first aid kits, medical supplies, and emergency equipment.

Make sure you have enough money to last until the end.

After all, who knows how long we'll have left to live?

Where should I keep my survival gear in?

It's best to keep your survival gear close at hand, so it's easily accessible in case of an emergency. Your best place to store your survival gear is under your bed or in your closet.

You should label all your supplies with the date and contents so you know what ones you have used.

You should also keep a duplicate of your inventory elsewhere. If you lose your apartment or house, you will need proof you had the right stuff.

What medical supplies do I need to stockpile in order to be able to treat my patients?

If you are going to have an emergency situation with a shortage of any type of medicine, then make sure you have enough for at least three months. Stocking up on all kinds of medication, such as pain relievers, antibiotics, and cold medicines, is the best way to do so. You might also want to think about storing food. This is because you won’t have as much time to prepare them if your medications are out of stock.

How do I prepare my house to war?

First, make sure that all windows are shut tightly. Place everything you own in storage. Also, ensure you have enough water and food storage.

It is important to have an evacuation plan in place. You should immediately evacuate your home if there's any chance that it could be attacked.

You could die if you don't!

How do I doomsday prep on a budget?

It is not easy to prepare yourself for an apocalypse. Here are three ways that you can prepare for an apocalypse.

  1. Be sure to have enough food, water, and other essentials. When disaster strikes, you don't want your supplies to run out.
  2. A solar-powered radio is a great option. This radio will keep you updated about what's happening worldwide in the event of a power outage.
  3. Learn how to grow your food. This will allow you to know exactly what foods you should eat. This will also mean that you don't have to worry if you run out of ingredients.

What should you keep in your bug-out bag?

A Bug Out bag (BOB), or a survival kit, is designed to allow you to survive 72 hours without food and water. It includes a first aid kit, flashlight, whistle, fire starter, compass, knife, matches, rope, bandana, handkerchief, toilet paper, hygiene items, sunscreen, sunglasses, socks, gloves, hat, bottled water, energy bars, batteries, emergency blanket, and other essentials.

You will likely only use half of the items you choose to place in your BOB. Make wise choices.

Which food is best for survival?

Make sure you carefully consider the items you purchase. You won't be able to live long if you don’t have enough water. You should find a place that offers plenty of water and ensure you have enough to last.

You can buy dried beans and rice, pasta, or dehydrated food. It doesn't matter which food you choose, you need to ensure they stay safe and sound.

You might also consider getting some freeze-dried food as well. These are more costly than regular food, but they last a lot longer.


  • Receiving 11.2 percent of votes in our reader survey was a propane torch. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • A gravel bike was the clear winner, receiving more than 90 percent of the votes. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • A survey commissioned by National Geographic found that forty percent of Americans believed that stocking up on supplies or building a bomb shelter was a wiser investment than a 401(k). (newyorker.com)

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How To

How to preserve food in a survival situation

It is best to dry food when it is in urgent need. Drying food preserves it from moisture, making them last longer. It also decreases the risk of bacteria growth.

Dried fruits can be used as snacks in emergencies and don't require cooking. They are lightweight and easy to take with you. You don't have to worry about weight gain.

A dehydrator can be used to dry fruit at home, but it is more efficient to use a solar oven. You could use a solar oven to dry all sorts of foods, including meat, fish, vegetables, and grains.

It is vital to make sure food is sealed tightly when it is being preserved. This stops oxygen from entering the container, which can cause food to spoil. Preservatives are not necessary if the container is tightly sealed.

If you do decide to add preservatives, try adding salt first. Salt prevents mold growth. Next, add vinegar. Vinegar kills bacteria and inhibits mold growth.

First, cut the food into small pieces. Either a pair of scissors or a sharp knife are acceptable. Pack everything carefully so there is no air in the container

Place the food in a plastic bag. Cover the bag with plastic and let it dry somewhere warm.

Once the food is dry, you can store it in a sealed container. Make sure that nothing touches the food.


A Course for Civilian SERE Operators